Online Marketing Plan – Casting Wider Net To Catch More Visitors

I believe with the recent updates to organic (free) search it’s more important than ever before to cast a bigger net with your online marketing plan in addition to improving content “quality”. What I mean by this is we need to promote our websites and businesses in more places online. Many of us have become spoiled by gathering links resulting in many #1 spots in the search results using just one or two methods, like guest posting or article marketing to get back links for our money sites.

Maybe It’s Time To Change Your Online Marketing Plan

There are so many different places that we can promote our content that it can become overwhelming. We don’t have time to waste by working on something that does not provide direct results for our online businesses.

This is where it pays to stay up to date on the latest SEO (search engine optimization) theories and test them out. We can also look at those that have been testing the out latest places to spread our content and links then test their methods for ourselves. This is what I have been doing for the past few months. I’ll share some ideas that I have gathered and how I have been testing them on my own niche websites and a few company websites.

One thing I now for sure and have seen first hand is that you need to build an audience or following for your website or business. You can and should be doing this on Facebook and Twitter. Many of your potential customers are spending hours per day following their friends, websites, and businesses they “like”. You should be gathering a following via an email list sign-up using a service like Aweber and sending out a newsletter or blog broadcast to keep your followers interested in whatever it is you have to offer. If you build a large enough list you won’t have to worry about your traffic or rankings anymore. You just send out a message with a call to action and if it’s good you’ll get a flood of traffic on demand any time you want it. You can use Facebook, twitter and of course your own website to encourage visitors and followers to sign up to your email list which is the only reason I mentioned them first.

Various web 2.0 websites are also good places to spread your message and build a following for you web business. I have been testing sites like (WordPress MU), Networked Blogs (Facebook app.), and blog directories. These websites can provide strong varied back links which will help push your Google Rankings as well as send some traffic your way.

Weather we like it or not Google is pushing us towards quality rather the quantity with both our back link profiles and our on page search optimization. Many quality websites have been affected recently which brings me to my next point. Once we find a niche that is profitable we need to build more than one quality website. just in case our main site suffers a loss in traffic and rankings we will have others that can continue to provide traffic and conversions for our business, allowing us to continue to dominate our niche. To learn more about niche domination just follow the link to Dave’s blog. He has had great success with this method of casting a wider net online.

If your SEO and content creation team are not using these and other niche specific techniques in your online marketing plan – you should ask them why not?

If you have experienced a loss in traffic lately check out these reference links:
Google Webmaster Central Blog
Paul Edmondson points shows how a Google property remains unaffected on Tech Crunch

Categories: SEO